broad peak and China's shaksgam


We are Alpinism professionals for Muztagh Ata ,K2 (Qogiri)and Karakoram  area of Xinjiang region of far western China , if you are looking for local agents and tourism professinals for your climbing to Muztagh ata ,K2 and other peaks ,we are the ones who can mange such professional expeditions , We are group of local Uyghur  Team to provide high quality trekking and climbing service to foreign alpinests in great silk road city Kashgar located in western most region of China in Xinjiang ,

We have successfully organized more than thousands of people to Muztagh ata climbing expeditions and K2 north face trekking expeditions since 2008 ,

and We are first company in China to organize international Europian climbing teams for muztagh Ata in 2024 after the opening up since Covid in China , 2024 was very special season for us at muztagh ata , We have organized 40 Climbers from Europe including from Romania ,Poland ,France ,Check and Russia .And we are confident that we came back to muztagh ata after covid since 2020 , Muztagh ata also opened for foreign climbers in 2024 , we believe that we can organize private groups ,apline clubs and mountaineering associations to Muztagh ata in the future .

please enjoy our itineraries for expeditions , if you want to adjust it or want to revise it for private treks and expeditions , please feel free to email us for more details ,emgil:

The North base camp of K2 lies in a remote south western corner of China’s Xinjiang province. Only a handful of people have ever travelled to this isolated mountain wilderness on the north side of the Karakoram Range. Recently opened to foreigners, this is one of the most unspoiled and least visited parts of the entire Himalayas. The mighty Yarkand and Shagskam rivers drain the waters flowing north from the great Karakoram peaks and carve deep channels through the mountainous landscape. The valleys here are at a much lower altitude than those on the Pakistan side of the range, giving a greater vertical height gain to the high summits. Many thousands of trekkers and climbers have seen the majestic Karakoram 8000m peaks from the Pakistan side, but few have ventured on the long trek through China to view K2, Broad Peak and the Gasherbrum from the north.Sir Francis Young husband became the first western explorer to see the north side of K2 during his epic 1887 journey to cross the Old Muztagh Pass.This trek follows the same route, approaching the mountains along the valleys of the Yarkand and Shagskam rivers. The area was first explored in detail and mapped by members of Eric Shipton’s 1937 ‘Blank on the Map’ expedition. Even a hardened traveler like Shipton was overwhelmed by the scenery. He wrote “The cliffs and ridges of K2 rose out of the glacier in one stupendous sweep to the summit of the mountain 12,000 ft above. The sight was beyond my comprehension and I sat gazing at it with a kind of timid fascination…”The highest point reached on the trek to base camp is the 4,900m Aghil Pass. From here, there is a magnificent view of the high peaks like Gasherbrum 1,2 and hidden peaks. The Shagskam River cannot be forded safely in the summer months; therefore travel in this area is restricted to the spring and autumn.

2024 expedition pictures

2024 Romanian Team at the summit

of Muztagh ata

2024 Polish Team at the Summit of Muztagh Ata

Muztagh Ata 7546m in China’s Pamir

Muztagh Ata /mustagh ata /muztag ata /7,546m(24,757 ft ), father of ice mountains in Uyghur which is second highest mountain in Kunlun range and highest in Pamir range ,it lies just south of Konggur Tagh(7649m) ,highest in Kunlun range ,and south west of Karakul lake, Together they form somewhat isolated group with many other 7000m peaks around, and isolated from the main chain of the Kunlun, it is one of the best 7000m peak for skiing and ascent ,if you would like to climb other eight thousand peaks in Himalayas you need to climb muztagh ata for acclimatization ,

  • Name:  Muztagh Ata (father of Ice Mountains in Uyghur)
  • Elevation: 7,546m (24,757 ft), Ranked 43rd highest in the World
  • Coordinates: 38° 16′ 42’’N / 75° 06′57″E
  • Number of high camps :there are 3 high camps , camp one(5200m),Camp two (6200m), Camp three(6800m)
  • Best Time to Climb: June, July and August

No matter if you are single Climber , or small private team or alpine club , feel free to contact with us , we will help you to organize your climbing expeditions to Muztagh ata and k2 ,