2025 K2 and Gasherbrum Trekking from China Side

Expedition Date for 2025 : Kashgar -Kashgar (September 15 – October 9 ) 2025

We are Alpinism professionals for Muztagh Ata ,K2 (Qogiri)and Karakoram area of Xinjiang region of far western China , if you are looking for local agents and tourism professionals for your climbing to Muztagh ata ,K2 and other peaks ,we are the ones who can mange such professional expeditions , We are group of local Uyghur Team to provide high quality trekking and climbing service to foreign alpinists , feel free to inquire your destination , please enjoy our sample itineraries for expeditions , if you don’t like them or want to adjust it , please feel free to email us for more details ,

  • Your Safety Guaranteed During Trekking
  • We are experts on Mountaineering ,Especially on Chinese Karakoram
  • Provide world class mountaineering cooks and service
  • Highly professional Guiding Team with Tender Loving Care
  • We are only Company in China to Collect individuals for fixed date departures

One of the world's remotest adventure rekkings

Most beautiful and longest glaciers in China is here

Only few people has been explored the area

Non Touristic ,no men's land

Camel supported Caravan Trek

It is worth to be there once in lifetime

About K2 ,Gasherbrum and China's Shaksgam

This expedition takes place in March/April, May, Late August, September and October before and after the intense heat of the summer and the water levels in the Shaksgam Rivers are reduced

Where to Start: you can either join group at Bishkek or in Kashgar,

Best time to do this Expedition: April ,May, until mid-June, September and October

Trip Overview: if have your own planned schedule to start and would like to do this expedition more privately and if you would like to have a detailed price quotation please feel free to contact us, If you let us know what you would like to change we can adjust the Itinerary

The North base camp of K2 lies in a remote south western corner of China’s Xinjiang province. Only a handful of people have ever travelled to this isolated mountain wilderness on the north side of the Karakoram Range. Recently opened to foreigners, this is one of the most unspoiled and least visited parts of the entire Himalayas. The mighty Yarkand and Shagskam rivers drain the waters flowing north from the great Karakoram peaks and carve deep channels through the mountainous landscape. The valleys here are at a much lower altitude than those on the Pakistan side of the range, giving a greater vertical height gain to the high summits. Many thousands of trekkers and climbers have seen the majestic Karakoram 8000m peaks from the Pakistan side, but few have ventured on the long trek through China to view K2, Broad Peak and the Gasherbrum from the north.Sir Francis Young husband became the first western explorer to see the north side of K2 during his epic 1887 journey to cross the Old Muztagh Pass.This trek follows the same route, approaching the mountains along the valleys of the Yarkand and Shagskam rivers. The area was first explored in detail and mapped by members of Eric Shipton’s 1937 ‘Blank on the Map’ expedition. Even a hardened traveler like Shipton was overwhelmed by the scenery. He wrote “The cliffs and ridges of K2 rose out of the glacier in one stupendous sweep to the summit of the mountain 12,000 ft above. The sight was beyond my comprehension and I sat gazing at it with a kind of timid fascination…”The highest point reached on the trek to base camp is the 4,900m Aghil Pass. From here, there is a magnificent view of the high peaks like Gasherbrum 1,2 and hidden peaks. The Shagskam River cannot be forded safely in the summer months; therefore travel in this area is restricted to the spring and autumn.

  • Day 1 Arrive To Kashgar
  • Day 2 Kashgar to karakul lake -Muztagh Ata -kashgar Day 3 Kashgar -Yecheng(car)
  • Day 4 Yecheng -Yilik/Raskam (car)
  • Day 5 Yilik -river confluence/trek
  • Day 6 river confluence-Kotan(bottom of Aghel pass)
  • Day 7 Kotan-cross aghel pass to Shaksgam Kerqin camp
  • Day 8 Kerqin camp to another shaksgam camp
  • Day 9 arrive at Chinese BC
  • Day 10 Morning rest and trek to Italian BC in afternoon Day 11 Italian bc -Korean BC-Gerlende BC -Italian BC Day 12 bac to Chinese BC and rest
  • Day 13 Chinese BC -Shaksgam river camp
  • Day 14 Shaksgam river camp to Kerqin camp
  • Day 15 kerqin camp to Durbin Kangri camp
  • Day 16 Durbin Kangri -Gasherbrum north glacier camp Day 17 Explore area ,climb Urduk view point
  • Day 18 Explore Gasherbrum glaciers Day 19 back to Durbin kangri camp
  • Day 20 Durbin Kangri to bottom of Aghel pass Day 21 cross the Aghel Pass to Kotan
  • Day 22 Kotan to camp near Yilik Day 23 Yilik to Kashgar Day 24 kashgar city tour
  • Day 25 Departure from kashgar

Day 1 arrive to Kashgar

Today all members of the trekking expedition will be arriving at kashgar and get ready for this epic trekking to K2 ,you can arrive by plane or through the land border Torugat via Bishkek Kyrgyzstan , we will arrange tranportation for airport pick up and check into hotel ,

if you arrive via land border we will pick you up there with extra charges of transport and guiding fees with border formalities ,

Day 2 Kashgar to Karakul lake -Muztagh ata and back to kashgar

Today we will drive on adventurous famous karakoram highway to karakul lake for 5hrs ,stop[ along the way for photos , this trip would be our acclimatization trip to prepare the high altitude trekking for k2 , some of you might be coming from sea level , so for those , trekking around the karakul lake ,Muztagh ata and kongur

 mountain range area in Pamir’s for few hrs would help so much for acclimatize the weather in

karakoram ,and you will have chance to enjoy the landscape and view of 7000m peaks including muztagh ata

7546,kongur 7719 and kongur tupe 7200m, the lake karakul at the altitude of 3600m, INCL: BLD

accommodation type: hotel In kashgar

Day 3 Kashgar to Yecheng

Today we drive to Yecheng in a four wheel drive taking the Southern Silk Road. This leads us to Karakoram, We arrive in Yecheng in the afternoon ,transfer to our hotel. (INCL: BLD), Accommodation type: Delong hotel 3* in Yecheng

Starting point altitude: 1260m, Ending point altitude:1200 ,Gained altitude :0m, Lost altitude : 60m

Day 4 Yecheng-Yilik

Drive to Yilik(raskam village) which is the last point that we can reach by vehicle and start our trek with camels from there . first we need to reach Mazar village so that we have to drive on the Xinjiang - Tibet highway, then turn further west direction to go through northern Karakoram to reach Yilik by crossing the Yarkand River ,We will spend the night in Kyrgyz House in Yilik (INCL :BLD) , Accommodation type: Kyrgyz yurt/Hut tarting point altitude: 1200m, Ending point altitude:3600m ,Gained altitude :2400m, Lost altitude : 0m

Day 5 to Day 9 Trekking to Chinese BC

Day 5 we will start our trekking ,will pack up the camels with our bags and equipments ,start walking to Chinese base camp , we will cross Aghel pass (4900m)which is highest point of our trekking ,we will hike along the Shaksgam river and camp two nights in Shaksgam vally and will arrive at Chinese Bc at Day 9 alitude of Shaksgam 3600m, Chinese base camp :3700m ,

Day 10-Day 12 Chinese BC to K2 advance base camp to See K2 in closest distances

After lunch at Chinese Base camp , we will set out with all of our backpacks towards Italian Bc ,camels can not go this of the trek , they will stay at chinese bc , so we need to take our basic equipments only for camping two nights to italian bc , we will gain 400m altitude today even though it is not long by distance.we will not be walking on the glaciers , we will walk in safe track between mountain and glaciers, walking on the glaciers are not recommended , glaciers are very clear and visible ,so that track is very safe ,our camp for next two days will be at Italian BC ,we would arrive at the Italian BC by the evening and can enjoy the sunset

we enjoy sunrise at Italian base camp and set out for Korean base camp for further exploration , we will hike 7-8hrs to see the k2 and it's massive galciers , it is longest glaciers in China ,at korean bc we can see k2 in much more close distance and we will get back to our camp at italian bc at the evening ,

korean bc altitude 4700m , italian bc 4500m ,we can be very flexible on this part ,as long as we satisfy to see k2 we will get back to chinese base camp ,

Day 13 to Day 16 Return to Shaksgam and arrive to Gasherbrum north Glacier camp

after breakfast , we all will return from Chinese base camp , we will trek back to kerqin camp and durbin kangri camp for few days and will arrive at Gasherbrum north glaciers camp at Day 16 ,

Day 17 to Day 18 Explore Gasherbrum Area                                             these two days , we will camp at one place , and use one day to climb up to urdok view point and see all three eight thousand mountains and it's massive glaciers , we can see them all at one glance ,it is the best view point of shaksgam , another day we will hike on the gasherbrum north glaciers and explore in the area , if some of the members want to rest they can stay at the camp , we are not moving camp for two days , just rest and exploration ,

Day 19 to Day 22 Return to river confluence camp near Yilik

Today we will return from Shaksgam to Yilik where we started our trek , we will cross back from Aghel pass and arrive at surukwat valley near the yilik on Day 22 , we will meet the car on Day 23 to drive to kashgar directly

Day 23 Yilik to Kashgar

we will meet the car on Day 23 to drive to kashgar directly

we will meet the car in the morning ,pack up all the luggage to drive to Kashgar , distances are bit longer but we will make it to kashgar in the evening or at night ,

Day 24 Kashgar cultural city Tour

after breakfast at hotel , we are doing full day kashgar cultural tour , we will visit China's largest mosque Idkah ,and one of the best preserved archetecture Fragrant concubine tomb , Kashgar old town and Kashgar grand market , enjoy the local meals , street foods in hundred years old tea house in kashgar old town ,

Day 25 Departure From Kashgar

How do we protect environment

As long as we enjoy the Nature we have to respect and protect the environment as well , managing the trashes are very important when we are doing this trek , our company sincerely hope and ask the clients to do not dump the trash especially the plastic and metal trash into Nature , we hope that you can collect them and give the all trashes to our guide everyday to let him burn in the morning in our every camp, throwing away the vegetable and fruits into nature would be ok , because it can feed the insects and other wild animals ,and they don’t harm the environment , but we have to make 100% sure that we don’t have to throw away the metal and plastic trash which could be disaster for the environment ,plastic trash could be burned , but metals are not , so that we have to take them out with us to handle it when we get back ,we will have trash bag fixed beside our camping area every day ,and guide will burn them all every day in the morning

Comunications during trekking

there will be no Phone signals during whole trekking ,so only way to to comunicate would be Sat phone ,we will bring SAT phones in case of emergency ,if you have your own sat phone , you can also take it with you , we will have walkie-talkie use as well

Emergency Rescue

if emergency situations would happen during a trekking ,only possible and fast way to rescue would be send the victim on one of the camel or on donkey back to Yilik as soon as possible and use 4 wheel drive from there to kashgar , helicopter rescue would not be possible , going back with donkey or with camel are more efficient , that might be the reason why this trekking would be one of the world’s most remotest trekking ,

Personal Medical Kit

All our Group Leaders have basic first aid training and carry a basic first aid kit. However there is only so much that can be carried and you should consult your GP about any prescription medicines you wish to carry with you.

It is very important to have your own personal medical kit and it is wise to bring all the essentials with you from the home country. as time is limited and it will save you having to go searching for medical supplies in an unfamiliar city. It is important to check with your doctor in case of allergies to any medications

General Consideration for Packing

you need to prepaire two bag for this trek , one is light backpack which you carry and keep your daily blongings,another one is duffle bag that taken by the camel ,keep the weight and bulk down to a minimum. On this trek you need to keep the weight of your duffle bag below 30Kg , baggage allowance on most international flights is around 20kg. Most people tend to bring more clothes than they actually need.

You only need one change of clothes for time spent in towns/cities.

For all trips but especially for trekking ,it is important to dress in layers. When it is hot you will only be wearing light trousers and T-shirt, when it gets colder you can add to this until you are wearing most of your clothes!

General Consideration for Personal Equipments

Rucksack and Day Sack: This is what you carry containing any items you will need during the day, A rucksack of around 35 to 40 liters capacity should be large enough, lined with one large plastic bag to ensure contents remain dry. the mornings can be quite cold, you will want to be wearing your warm clothing. As we get underway, the day warms up, duvet jackets and extra clothing can be peeled off. Make sure your day sack is large enough to carry these bulky items. Sleeping Bag & Liner: A good quality 4-season down or synthetic bag and cotton, thermal or silk liner. Suggested manufacturers RAB, Mountain Equipment, North Face, A jungilak, Vango. Scarf/Bandana: Silk, cotton or nylon for keeping the sun off the back of your neck or dust out of your mouth. Water Bottle: 1x 1 Liter or two liter hot water bottle!,Water PurificationTablets. Sandals for crossing small rivers ,water proof clothes ,sun screen ,lip screen ,cameras ,camera tools ,trekking poles ,good trekking boot ,sun glasses ,head lights ,High Energy Trek Snacks,

Best viewpoint to see K2 ,after we arrive at Chinese Base camp(Sughet Jangal),k2 is not visible , we need to trek 4 hrs along the k2 north glaciers to Italian base camp and camp there for two nights to see the sunset and sunrise ,after we camp there we will trek another 7-8hrs to the last view point to korean and Gerlende base camp to see the K 2in Closest distance

Best viewpoint to see Gasherbrum and Broad peak ,

after we arrive at Gasherbrum north glaciers , we will camp there and climb the the 4700m hill which is in

between Gasherbrum glaciers and Urdok glaciers , from the top of the hill we can see all three eight thousand

meter peaks and it's massive glaciers

even if you are individual or adventure travel agency ,feel free to contact with us for more details and prices , if you are adventure travel agency we would be happy to cooperate with you conduct this trekking , we do our best to help you organize this trekking for you ,,if you are individual you can join our group to share the costs and save your money ,

contact email : silkroad_expeditions@yahoo.com

Service Includes

1-liaison with chinese government for issuance of trekking permits.

2-english speaking guide/liaison officer during a whole trip

3-cook, assistant cook, camel men

4-enough camels to carry luggage from yilik to base camp and back

5-all land transfers by four wheel drive,van,buses, truck if needed to transfer the people and equipments to yilik and back to kashgar ,and kashgar karakul and karakul kashgar

6-all the entrance fees for the sites when visiting kashgar city.

7-five star standard hotels with breakfast in kashagr ,best availiable hotels in other places

8-yurt accomodation in karakul and yilik,

9-good quality of tents shared by two people with mattresses,

10-ecological protection fees.

11-porterage of luggage during trek upto chinese base camp(suget jungal ) and back. and also porterage of important equipments from chinese bc to Italian BC

12.insulated mats, living tents ,cooking and eating utensils, mess tent and stools. and other daily use of stuff

13-all meals during trekking and (breakfast, lunch and dinner), and meals in kashgar and on the roade to yilik and back ,

14-Electer Generator for Charging phones ,cameras during trekking

Service Excludes

1-International flight tickets/ travel for arrival and departure from Kashgar

2-Chinese visa fees ,Airport and departure taxes

3-Sleeping bags, personal equipment and Personal Travel Insurance.

4-personal Medications ,ground evacuations and rescue charges of any kind,

5-bottled drinks of alcoholic ,coke ,mineral water

6-Items of a personal nature such as phone calls, laundry, bar bills etc.

7-tips of guide, cooks ,drivers, porters etc.

8-Porterage or shipment of any excess baggage 30kg/per person

9-Any kind of costs in higher altitude part above the Chinese BC

10-Extra room charges for earlier check-in and late check-out. (check out is 1200 hrs)

11-Extra days beyond the specified itinerary.

12-Charges incurred as a result of delays ,health issues beyond the control of our company

13-Single supplement.

14- any additional costs that caused by early departure from group of health concerns or any other reasons

Photos of K2 and gasherbrum from our previous expeditions

Customize your Expeditions?

if you have any inquiries or requests to modify the itinerary ,feel free to cotact with us for more details